Still questions?
We would be happy to personally introduce you to our program and pricing model and answer all your questions. Simply arrange an appointment with us free of charge and without obligation. We look forward to seeing you.
Our recipe for success: Reward budget + motivation program = healthy employees.
With even a small contribution, employers can help employees live a healthier life, increase satisfaction and reduce sick days and ultimately increase employee loyalty.
Fig.1: Our offers to activate all employees
“We make exercise a daily routine.” A direct reward for employees who switch to bicycles or take the stairs more often. This makes people happy, connects employees and increases health, retention and productivity.
Fig2: Our non-cash rewards for regular exercise
Plan activities and events for you to encourage your employees to exercise.
Invite employees, customize goals and rewards, and track metrics and progress.
The app to track movement, pursue goals, participate in challenges and receive rewards.
We help establish exercise as a crucial part of daily life.
We would be happy to personally introduce you to our program and pricing model and answer all your questions. Simply arrange an appointment with us free of charge and without obligation. We look forward to seeing you.